Narrative Use Cases

Brand Protection

Brand protection is crucial for organizations because a single narrative attack, driven by misinformation or disinformation, can quickly escalate, damaging public perception and causing significant financial and reputational harm.

Effective brand protection involves proactively identifying and countering these threats before they can cause lasting damage to your organization.

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Top Benefits of Brand Protection

  • Proactive Threat Detection: Identifying harmful narratives early to prevent damage.
  • Reputation Management: Safeguarding the brand’s image by addressing disinformation before it escalates.
  • Crisis Response: Offering real-time alerts and automated responses to mitigate emerging risks quickly.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Analyzing vast data to understand potential threats and inform strategic decisions.
  • Enhanced Trust: Maintaining consumer and stakeholder trust by protecting against reputational damage.

Key Features of Brand Protection

Our Constellation Platform provides unparalleled insights into not only the negative but also the positive narratives that uplift customer perception and trust. If a beneficial influencer story is starting, or an affirming narrative is emerging, we can detect it and instantly generate summaries, reporting, and recommendations that equip you and your leadership team to maximize the moment.

How Blackbird.AI for Brand Protection Works

Constellation aggregates vast amounts of data from social media, the dark web and chat forums to monitor narratives and potential threats. Our platform utilizes AI to process and understand the context, sentiment, and potential impact of this data. Our solutions provide real-time notifications of emerging risks and harmful narratives. Implementing automated responses and mitigations to narrative threats as they arise ensuring ongoing protection by continuously monitoring and adapting to new threats.

Questions we get a lot

A viral untrue rumor can erode consumer trust in minutes. Narrative attacks make claims such as product defects, discredit executives, and otherwise work to harm their reputations. Blackbird.AI’s Constellation Platform gives you a holistic view of the harmful narratives impacting your brand reputation so that you can respond swiftly preventing financial consequences.

Protect your brand reputation by knowing the narrative.

Narrative threats can impact any organization, whether private or public sector, with something to lose. The wrong string of text can lead to boycotts, calls for class action lawsuits, revenge posting, and other outcomes that can be avoided or minimized with the right response.

Explore how our Constellation Platform can prepare your organization to protect your hard-earned reputation against emerging threats.
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