Blackbird.AI for Communications Leaders

Protect your brand from narrative attacks that cause reputational harm

Narrative attacks are a major risk for brands that end up on the wrong side of misinformation and disinformation. Following a narrative attack, fixing a brand’s reputation is an uphill battle. Despite growing awareness and anxiety about narrative risk, most organizations are unprepared to respond.

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In a recent customer meeting with a large multinational organization, their communications leader told us, “We felt helpless about this topic (narrative attacks) before we engaged with you.”

Blackbird.AI offers leading-edge AI-based technology and expert consultation to guide communications leaders through the narrative risks and into a place of proactive control, preparation, and confidence.

We are an ally for communications leaders

Legacy systems and manual social listening tools count keywords and measure sentiment, but they cannot detect the deeper narratives–across languages, platforms, and modes of communication–communication leaders most need to see.

This lack of visibility creates a dangerous fog; communication leaders and executive teams find out about many of the most harmful narratives after they have already taken root. They are often forced to make rushed decisions that exacerbate the problem rather than counter the deeper narrative.

“You break it down so thoroughly it provides us with an insurance policy.”
— Big 5 PR Agency

Blackbird.AI solves core narrative risks for communications leaders

Blackbird.AI’s Narrative Intelligence Platform is the only solution of its kind, offering communications leaders the early context and rapid recommendations they need to thoughtfully protect their brands.

Gain context and clarity around harmful narrative attacks impacting your organization.

Be the first to know as our high-speed and high-fidelity Constellation Platform ingests and analyzes conversational data and maps information flows across networks from social media, dark web, fringe websites, and traditional news outlets.


Harness AI-powered narrative discovery to understand the contagion effect.

Our AI-driven platform automatically scans millions of posts and groups them into nodes of related harmful narratives, exposing what’s being said about your organization.


Uncover hidden threats and risks from hyper-agenda threat actors and bot manipulation.

Discover emergent threats with customizable risk profiles and risk scores which note automated bot activity, toxicity, generative AI, and risk.


Enable strategic decision making.

Rapidly detect narrative threats with actionable intelligence, context, and clarity to respond to and counter messages with greater confidence and precision.


Defend your brand by knowing the narrative.

Operate a communications strategy with full visibility of the narratives that are impacting your brand. Face the future prepared. Talk with one of our experts today to learn how Blackbird.AI can equip your communications leadership to win the war on perception.
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