Narrative Use Cases

Financial Markets

Financial institutions trade on the trust and confidence of their customers; if doubt arises, then a bank or investment firm faces a crisis moment. Narrative attacks can cause these crises or make them much worse. Today’s leading financial organizations must be aware of narrative risks and the proactive steps they can take to prevent them from taking root.
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Surface the narratives

Harmful narratives may directly target your institution or leadership, attempting to cause a bank run, or they may respond to external circumstances in a way that places your organization in the crosshairs. In either instance, your best defense is early awareness.

External triggers like inflation, the Great Recession mortgage crisis and bank runs, terrorist attacks and other geopolitical events, pandemics, currency fluctuations and manipulations, elections, natural disasters, new regulations, and crises impacting a competitor all create opportunities for bad actors (or a fearful public) to spread harmful narratives that can jeopardize your institution.

Our Constellation Platform provides insights into emerging harmful narratives, including identifying their sources, mapping the connections between the actors starting and spreading narrative attacks, and sharing AI-driven recommendations for how to respond.

Counter the risks

With Constellation, financial institutions can create effective counter-narratives that reduce financial risk and make worst-case-scenarios like bank runs and panics less likely to occur. In the event that there is a financial event that impacts your organization, you can take control of the discussion and minimize the damage through effective counter-narratives.

Learn from the past

Examples like the Silicon Valley Bank collapse of 2023 demonstrate the powerful ways in which a narrative can manipulate financial realities. When the news spread that SVB was looking to raise funds, harmful narratives across the internet scaled quickly and created a bank run that ultimately led to the bank’s failure. The bank run triggered numerous other harmful narratives that made the damage worse for the entire industry.

Learn more by reading our summary of the ways in which narrative attacks contributed to the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank and the speculations and rumors that followed.

Prepare for the future by knowing the narrative.

No matter how long your institution has been around, or how impervious your investors’ trust has been to this point, you can’t afford to gamble with your reputational and financial well-being. Talk to one of our experts today about how your organization can take steps to stay ahead of the narrative.
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