Narrative Use Cases

Geopolitical Risk

In a globalized world, few organizations are immune to geopolitical risk

Your employees, customers, suppliers, manufacturers, shipping partners, and facility locations can all be at risk from misinformation and disinformation campaigns coming from foreign malign influence, hyper-driven threat actors, or physical events. To operate with security and confidence, your organization must understand the geopolitical narratives that either directly or indirectly impact your brand, interests, partners, employees, customers, infrastructure, and vendors.

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See the narratives

In the context of conflicts, terrorist acts, political tensions, trade embargoes, protests, and culture wars, our world has never presented more opportunities for an organization to unwittingly step into the crosshairs.

Our Compass Narrative Intelligence Platform offers deep visibility into emerging narrative, fills in context and intent data, and creates AI-driven clarity for an effective response. With the right counter-narrative, directed at the proper audience, your organization can reduce harmful impacts on your critical infrastructure, employees, customers, and vendors.

Confidently embrace globalization

The world is more connected than it has ever been, and there are significant benefits to participating in a globalized economy. There are challenges, too, as it opens up your organization to be impacted by harmful narrative attacks.

For your company to embrace globalization in full confidence, you need to be aware of bad actors who will distort your efforts to welcome the best ideas and contributions. Having narrative intelligence to guide your relationships, decisions, and communications is a must.

The World Economic Forum has identified misinformation and disinformation as the greatest global threat we face in the next two years. We don’t see that as a reason to retreat; instead, we see it as an opportunity to equip your organization to continue trading, manufacturing, building, and growing with the confidence and visibility you need to own your brand’s story.

Own your brand’s story by knowing the narrative.

Don’t let anyone else write your brand’s story. Explore the Constellation Platform and the myriad ways it prepares your organization to face narrative threats and emerge with strength, confidence, and organizational preparedness.
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