Blackbird.AI Launches Automated Narrative Feed Module Powered By The RAV3N Risk LLM To Combat The #1 Global Risk – Misinformation and Disinformation

Posted by on January 24, 2024

NEW YORK, January 24, 2024 – Blackbird.AI, the global leader in protecting organizations from narrative attacks created by misinformation and disinformation, has unveiled an innovative AI-based offering to its product lineup: the automated Narrative Feed module powered by the RAV3N Risk LLM as an integral part of its narrative intelligence platform, Constellation. This announcement marks a significant advancement in the battle against narrative attacks, which the World Economic Forum (WEF) has identified as the world’s foremost global risk in its Global Risks Report 2024.

Enabling the Narrative Feed module significantly elevates customer capabilities to discover emergent, harmful narratives as they gain online momentum. This innovative multilingual AI-driven technology analyzes various data sources, including social media, dark web, memes, news media and other web content. It identifies high-risk narratives and ranks them using Blackbird.AI’s Narrative Risk Score (NRS), a metric based on hundreds of risk signals that customers can tailor to their risk profiles. The result is a continuous and insightful summary of harmful narratives that impact an organization, highlighting elements including cohort activities, bot network manipulation and key influencers.

This integration streamlines the narrative risk analysis process and enhances the Constellation Platform’s overall functionality. Users can now leverage Narrative Feed for more effective narrative discovery and refinement, facilitating a deeper understanding of the online dynamics impacting their organization. Furthermore, the RAV3N Risk LLM within this ecosystem simplifies the reporting process with an automated reporting feature, allowing for quick and efficient sharing of insights with executive teams.

“In a world increasingly threatened by sophisticated adversaries capable of distorting narratives, Blackbird.AI is pioneering new frontiers in AI-based safeguards,” said Wasim Khaled, CEO of Blackbird.AI. “The integration of our Narrative Feed and the RAV3N Risk LLM into our Constellation Platform marks a pivotal advancement in narrative risk protection for global organizations. In 2024’s tense global landscape, filled with countless geopolitical and corporate flashpoints, purpose-built technology is crucial for ensuring digital trust and integrity amidst widespread narrative attacks that erode trust and reputation.”

This innovative approach represents a technological leap and is critical for fostering understanding and constructing robust defenses against harmful narratives. It underscores Blackbird.AI’s commitment to driving trust, safety and integrity in an increasingly complex information landscape and driving exponential value for customers who utilize Blackbird.AI’s suite of AI-driven technology offerings – including its Constellation Narrative Intelligence Platform and the deep investigations provided by the RAV3N Narrative Intelligence and Research Team. 

Blackbird’s Constellation Narrative Intelligence Platform is the only purpose-built AI-driven platform that enables users to analyze risk with high fidelity through five distinct signals:

  • NARRATIVES are automatically detected and surface storylines around a topic or organization.
  • NETWORKS reveal information flow patterns between users, the concepts they share, and how narratives propagate like contagions.
  • COHORTS are like-minded communities segmented  to understand how online tribes interact with important narratives across a sector, industry, or topic
  • ANOMALOUS behavior includes inorganic, bot-like activity and manipulation that amplifies or dampens a narrative and its spread.
  • INFLUENCE measures the impact of the harmful actors and trusted voices driving narratives.

The world-class RAV3N Narrative Intelligence and Research Team works deeply with customers to identify narrative attacks and risks that impact them. Their primary focus is discovering and publishing data-driven, evidence-based narratives that propagate at high speed and large scale—driven by a cross-functional team of narrative and threat intelligence analysts, data scientists, behavioral psychologists, linguists, journalists and national security professionals. The RAV3N team recently published the following research to help educate organizations about the narrative attacks and risks they face:

To learn more about Blackbird.AI’s Narrative Feed powered by the RAV3N Risk LLM, visit our blog.

Kayla Perkins
5W Public Relations

About Blackbird.AI

BLACKBIRD.AI protects organizations from narrative attacks created by misinformation and disinformation that cause financial and reputational harm. Our AI-driven Narrative Intelligence Platform – identifies key narratives that impact your organization/industry, the influence behind them, the networks they touch, the anomalous behavior that scales them, and the cohorts and communities that connect them. This information enables organizations to proactively understand narrative threats as they scale and become harmful for better strategic decision-making. A diverse team of AI experts, threat intelligence analysts, and national security professionals founded Blackbird.AI to defend information integrity and fight a new class of narrative threats. Learn more at Blackbird.AI.